Sunday, February 10, 2008

Astrid and Veronika

This novel, my book group's February reading selection, was recommended by a member, Suzanne. She has the most remarkable talent for discovering wonderful, new reads and authors.
Astrid & Veronika is certainly all that. I've read straight through the morning and into the early afternoon - a rarity for me, as I get so sleepy when I read. And...despite being a voracious, passionate reader....I am a slllooowwww reader and finishing a novel in a day or two is a atypical.
Perhaps I'm thinking of my beloved neighbor and friend, Mildred, as I read about the loving, intergenerational friendship of the two main characters. All I know is that I am completely caught up in the story...the tune of talented and upcoming (if not self-destructive) singer, Amy Winehouse, is playing through my mind as I read the tragic stories of Veronika and Astrid.

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